Wednesday 23 October 2013

Beauty Shop

Beauty Shop tells the story of Gina (Queen Latifah) as she moves to Atlanta so her daughter can go to an exclusive music school. She finds a job as a stylist at a high end salon but after a confrontation with her boss leaves and opens her own beauty shop.

Beauty Shop doesn’t quite rise to the occasion as it repackages and regurgitates characters, themes and plots that we have seen before. It is one thing to tell a story that has previously been done yet bring something new to what may be an overdone but entertaining storyline and it is another to retell a story and not bring anything new to the table at all. Beauty Shop falls into the latter category and suffers greatly for it.

The main problem with Beauty Shop is that it is Barber Shop with women. From the plot twists to the characters inside the shop, it is the exact same movie as Barbershop except with Queen Latifah at the helm instead of Ice Cube. There is the funny, familial and penny pinching boss, Gina (Queen Latifah). There is the misguided, yet full of potential stylist in training, Darnelle (Keshia Knight-Pulliman). There’s the arrogant, know it all stylist who is a pain in everyone’s side, Chanel (Golden Brooks). There’s the novice stylist of a different race that can’t get any business, Lynn (Alicia Silverstone) and finally there’s the opposite sex stylist who is the only one of his kind in the salon, James (Bryce Wilson). Add to that the money problems, someone trying to take over the business and the possibility that the shop may have to close for good and you have the same movie, same story without any added flare. You even have the character that hawks their goods at the shop: in Barbershop it was a man selling bootleg CDs and DVDs and in Beauty Shop it is a woman selling catfish and monkey bread. The concept of being original must have never crossed the writer’s minds.

And once again I say, can we dispense with the gay stylists. That is a stereotype that can go to the stereotype graveyard never to be seen or heard of again…ever. Kevin Bacon, an actor I love does an absolutely horrible and I repeat horrible job playing Latifah’s gay and fascist boss. We can also dispense with "metrosexuals" the new overused and unfunny effeminate male stereotype that is going to appear in every movie where men are employed in what are typically considered to be women’s jobs. If so, I say please stop now before you make audiences suffer anymore then we already have at this new, unnecessary caricature. There was one of these characters in "Guess Who", and one of Beauty Shop’s many subplots is trying to figure out if the only male stylist is gay, straight or a metrosexual which would be a cross between the two.

For positives, there were some laughs and the opportunity to see a shirtless Djimon Hounsou was almost worth my money, but overall Beauty Shop was unoriginal and a bore. Ultimately the question is -- do you really want to spend your money on something you’ve already seen before. For me the answer is simple: No, I don’t.

Beauty doesn’t have to be Expensive

Where do you buy your beauty supplies? If you buy them from a department store- you are paying way too much! I was a department store buyer for many years. I was hooked on a particular brand, and I thought that the products were only available at the department store. I was wrong. With a little bit of time and research, I was able to shave off 50% of my beauty supply bill. Imagine what you could do with the extra money. The process is actually really simple. All you have to do is find the right websites.

Many of us are hooked on a particular brand of beauty supplies. We have used them for years, and love the way that they make us look and feel. The price tag however isn’t very pretty. Try doing a search online for your favorite beauty products. You may find that auction sites such as have really good deals. Make sure to find out about shipping and return policies. I am a sucker for a free shipping deal, so try to find them whenever possible. You may also be able to purchase the product directly from the manufacturer’s website. Look for online promotions that will give you discounts on the items you buy most. Coupon sites can give you even better discounts, so shop around.

If you are feeling adventurous and want to try a new cheaper brand, have no fear. Most websites will include a list of ingredients for all of their products. You can then compare this list with products that you have tried before. Look for products that have natural ingredients. If you can’t produce anything on the label, chances are its not a good deal. There are many companies that focus on creating cheap designer knock-offs, so you may get a fragrance or cologne for much less than the name brand.
Buying beauty supplies online can be a lot of fun. You will be amazed at the level of savings, and pleased with the final product. Try getting together with friends and family members to compare beauty regimens. You may find a new product or item that you cannot live without. Always remember- beauty doesn’t have to be expensive!
Melanie Breeze, avid online shopper and user of CouponChief, is always shopping around for the best deals. You can find beauty supply bargains and savings available around the web at CouponChief, all in one location. Always find an online coupon 1st before making ANY purchase!

Beauty Sleep

Sleeping is a necessity, not a luxury. A good night's sleep is just as crucial to maintaining wellness as is a healthy diet and proper exercise.

The Importance of Sleep
Sleep is a restorative process.  While we're sleeping, our brain is cycling through the 3 stages of sleep: light, deep and REM. Sleep restores, rejuvenates and energizes the body and brain.  Our immune systems are recharged, cells grow and repair themselves, and our bodies conserve energy.

Dangers of Sleep Deprivation
Unfortunately, to many sleep is not valued. In this "open all night" society we now live in, four out of ten Americans are trading much-needed sleep hours for longer hours at the office, gym, club and other activities which seem more important or interesting. What they may not realize is that lack of sleep takes a toll on our mental and physical well being.  Studies performed by the National Sleep Foundation show that even minimal sleep loss has a profoundly detrimental impact on mood, cognition, performance, productivity, communication skills, accident rates and general health.  For optimal functioning throughout the day, the average adult needs between seven to nine hours sleep a night.  According to the NSF, the American adult population functions on about six and a half hours of sleep per night.

Don't Sleep?
For some, lack of sleep is not a choice, but a condition. Millions of Americans suffer from insomnia.  According to the NSF, a third of Americans are using over the counter or prescription sleep aids at night.  If you suffer from insomnia, here are a few tips to help you get some shut eye:
· Pray before bedtime. The bible tells us to "Cast your burden upon the Lord. Don't go to bed with a heavy load. Give it to God. Remember Joy comes in the morning"

· Avoid caffeinated food and beverages like coffee, teas, soft drinks and chocolate 3 to 4 hours before bedtime.
· Exercise regularly, but complete your workout at least three hours before bedtime. Keep your body calm.
· Make sure your mattress is the right one for you. Flip your mattress over periodically.
· Develop a bedtime ritual. Taking a warm bath 90 minutes before bedtime will relax your body and usually make you feel sleepy.
· Make sure your bedroom is quiet and comfortable.
· Have a cup of warm milk.
· Play relaxing music.
· Go to bed and wake up the same time every day. When your sleep cycle has a regular rhythm you will feel better.

Be a Sleeping Beauty
A friend of mine once told me that a woman should present herself to her husband at bedtime like a present. Interesting…so I polled a few colleagues and found overall most husbands prefer their wives to be lingerie clad at bedtime. Nude came in a very close second and pajamas were considered very un-sexy. Wives preferred their hubbys wear only boxers to bed. Whatever your sleepwear preference, bedtime is the opportunity to prepare your mind and body for the rest it deserves. Here are a few more tips to help you sleep pretty:

· Always remove your makeup and cleanse your face thoroughly before bed (Oil of Olay Foaming Face Wash for Sensitive Skin). Going to bed without washing your face not only leads to mascara-stained sheets (Andrea Eye Q's eye makeup remover pads $3.50+ voted best by Allure Magazines 1999) but the dirt picked up during the day can clog pores and lead to acne.

· Brush and floss your teeth.

· Vaseline works wonders on rough spots while you sleep. Try it on feet, elbows, and knees and dab a little on your lips too.

· There are several night creams on the market now claiming to be more effective if applied at bedtime, here are a few to try: Lancome - Primoridale Intense Night Cream $41.50, Murad Perfecting Night Cream $41.50. If these prices are more than you normally spend then L'Oreal Age Perfect Night Cream and Oil of Olay ProVital night creams are available at Wal-Mart and Target. Prices range from $14 - $15.

· If you wrap your hair in a scarf at bedtime, remember to wash it regularly.

· Wear your fancy nighties to bed. Don't save them for a special occasion. You are a special occasion.

· After your bath or shower ritual slather on a lotion that relaxes you and helps you fall asleep like Origins Night-a-mins moisture lotion or Calm to Your Senses Body Souflee.

· Marilyn Monroe is said to only have worn Chanel No.5 to bed but if you prefer something a little lighter then Issey Miyake's L'Eau D'Issey Soothing Night Fragrance is a good pick.

Here's wishing you brighter days and more restful nights!
Cathy Gatson is a freelance writer and owner/operator of a hair and body salon located in Northern California.


Beauty comes from within, we as women can wear all the make-up we want and yes it can make a difference as far as self esteem, enhance our features, improve the look of our skin. But if the body is not healthy due to being obese, certain organ dis-stress, the body can be out of balance in Mind-Body and Spirit. There are certain Holistic modalities that are used in my practice to bring about balance and our Wingspan Wellness Weekends, enhance the healing due to rest, relaxation,and concentration on self.

Renate Bodden is a Doctor of Naturopathy, Reiki Master and certified Yoga Instructor. Renate resides in Houston, Texas, and is very passionate about Wellness, her Holistic Health modalities include Kinesiology,Nutrition, Bachflower Therapy, Reiki Therapeutic body Treatment and Yoga.

Beauty Secrets of the Stars

It comes as no surprise that many of the most beautiful and famous people go to great lengths to maintain their youthful appearance. They work out with personal trainers. They go to the best hair salons and rejuvenating spas. They use exotic skin care products. And they go to the best cosmetic surgeons.

Cosmetic or plastic surgery can be as simple as a "lunchtime peel" or as involved as a complete face-lift. Botox injections can eliminate "frown lines." Liposuction can reduce excess fat. You can reduce or enlarge just about anything! But there is one beauty secret that is not well known. It beautifies the most looked-at part of the body. It provides dramatic transformations in one visit. It doesn't require surgery. In fact, you can stay awake through the entire procedure. What is it? Cosmetic Dentistry.

While plastic surgery certainly has its place, cosmetic dentistry has its own distinct advantages. It doesn't matter how beautiful the rest of the features are, if the teeth are ugly, no one's going to pay much attention to the rest. Beautifying a smile provides instant gratification. The changes to one's appearance can be incredible! A "smile lift" immediately improves confidence and self-esteem. The recovery time is insignificant. You can eat with it, smile with it, talk with it and kiss with it!

Beyond appearances, cosmetic dentistry has the unique advantage of being able to improve one's health. So many people are walking around with historical dental work that is compromising their oral health. Many others have worn their teeth to the point that their bite is causing symptoms of "TMJ," such as headaches, muscle pain, and even dizziness. Top cosmetic dentists address these problems. The frosting on the cake is that patients leave looking their very best.

Beauty Secret from Brazil for Cellulite

Brazilian women spend much of their time on the beach, so it’s no wonder that their secret to cellulite-free skin is found there. A handful of ordinary sand will do wonders for cellulite when rubbed across the skin with a lubricant such as vegetable oil (or even sea water) just a few times per week.

How does this work? The sand improves circulation by helping to unsettle deposits of fat that collect in the problem areas of the body, such as the thighs, buttocks or abdomen. The coarse nature of the sand allows for this movement, and if you’re not so close to the beach, a substitute like cornmeal, finely crushed salt or sugar will also do the trick. As a double bonus, battling cellulite in this way will allow you to exfoliate at the same time, giving you a healthier glow to your skin by bringing new skin cells to the surface.

Cellulite removal can also be increased with the help of massage. A hand-held massage brush with either wooden or rubber pegs feels great and is inexpensive. Massages can be used daily to help with cellulite removal.

Once you’ve completed the treatment, the broken up fat will begin to look for a new place to rest in the body. You can avoid this by drinking lots of water both before and after your scrub or massage.

Beauty of Nature Talent of Man, a New Ancient Art Form

Beauty of Nature Talent of Man, a New Ancient Art Form

Since Mankind first stood erect and developed a consciousness of the world in which he lived; Nature has been a place of many dangers. Violence and death, the need to survive, and the biological urge to reproduce, and to nurture ourselves and our offspring has always been a prime motivational factor.

Being alert to our surroundings has profound implications, and is as pertinent today as it was in the distant primitive past.

"He's street smart", Is one way that we designate and congratulate the modern man, who has learned to be aware of his basic world and how to survive.

All living things, share this "aware of surroundings, street smart" necessity for survival.

There are many things which separate us as Humans, from other living things. Most are obvious, and have been studied, examined, dissected, and extrapolated ad nauseum.

However, the Human Spirit, has special abilities and insights which help to define the Soul inherent in Human existence, and is actually a definitive proof of its existence.

Recognition of beauty. Not the beauty necessary for reproduction and the sexual urges which enable its success, but a more abstract and intellectual beauty. The "BEAUTY OF NATURE".

An animal will stop and survey his surroundings, sniff the air, look at flowers, rocks, majestic mountains, but his motivation is survival. They are searching for a hidden enemy, or a source of necessary food.

Man is different. He can look at a beautiful sunset or a majestic peak, or a natural wonder like the Grand Canyon, an out cropping of rocks or any one of a million gifts of Natures Bounty and beauty, and feel our Soul vibrate and soar in sync with the abundant largess which Mother Nature, and God, has provided.

Of course we have a Soul, feel it beat in rhythm with the beauty of Nature.

Humanity has always been attracted to these dramatic gifts and we create parks, and national monuments, and fight to preserve these special areas of natural beauty.

The beauty of nature does not exist exclusively on this type of macro scale. There is a unique beauty of nature that exists on a very real, yet micro scale.

A new Art Form. An original way to capture and worship that which "God has wrought." There are certain natural stones which have captured the originality and overwhelming beauty which is inherent on a macro scale by a Grand Canyon. Imagine, the dramatic originality of Nature, "one of a kind works of art”, available to enjoy and display in your home or office.

This new art form has several methodologies. The nature of the stone makes it a work of art naturally. This can be further enhanced using certain treatments, applied to the stone strategically, to enhance the effects already within it. Stone is also fast becoming a medium of choice for the innovative artist, as this material soaks up paint and gives a depth to color that isn’t achieved on traditional mediums. Sculpture is the most ancient form of stone art; however stacked sculpture is a new form that involves adding stone to a piece to achieve a desired effect.

A gift of Nature, the majesty of the Earth, to cherish and uplift your spirit, and beautify your environment. Bask in the reflective beauty of your World. Stone art provides a true Cornacopia of originality and creativity.

A great place to get inspired is the museum of stone art at

Beauty Divine

The quest for beauty, age defiance and physical enhancement are at an all time high. The beauty industry, comprised of simple salons to mega-corporate giants, pulls in billions of dollars annually. People are obsessed with making themselves beautiful and more attractive for their own personal satisfaction and so others can see them they want to be seen. Not only do people search for ways to enhance themselves, but they also seek beauty and attraction in other things, most notably a dating partner.

Some people might conclude that canvassing the importance of beauty in the dating world is a bit gratuitous. We all know its out there and it can even be considered nature's cruelest form of sexual selection. You either have it or you don't. However, I think it is a poignant topic of consideration whether you are just now entering the dating realm or you have been in it for years and whether you are male or female. Today's society places heavy weight on good looks in the work place and in social scenes. You can't escape it and you can not deny it. Amidst growing liberties, democracy, the abolition of racial and religious oppression and the rising demand for an open mind one would naturally assume that our advanced culture would not treat certain individuals better simply because of advantageous genetic facial features. But we all know that this is the furthest from the truth. We see it every day.

Doctor Nancy Etcoff, a faculty member of Harvard University and a psychologist at Massachusetts General Hospital, has beautifully illustrated the ageless hunt for beauty in her book Survival of the Prettiest. I was enthralled with the hundreds of references throughout history Dr. Etcoff found and adapted to the importance of beauty. One of the most interesting ones involved Eleanor Roosevelt. When asked if she had any regrets she remarked that she only wished she had been prettier. To hear a statement such as this coming from a heroine to women everywhere, it makes one want to examine why and how being beautiful or handsome plays such a dubious role in our every day lives. As Dr. Etcoff examines this very thought further in her book, I think it would be best if we just accept our idealistic qualities and move on to facing them.

When it comes down to selecting new single men and women we choose to date, our very first assessment of the potential mate is based on looks. Most people will say that they are looking for more profound qualities such as character, motivation, sensitivity, a commonality in activities, beliefs and a sense of humor and that looks, although important, are not at the top of the list. Of course everyone wants to feel as if he or she had more noble intents in mind. And although this may be true, nature tends to sway our first choice. Psychological tests upon tests show that we all gravitate towards the more attractive person at first. This is not something that we can readily help, nor can we consider it malevolent behavior. It is simply programmed into us from commercials, magazine ads, celebrities and more. It is a learned responsive behavior. While not everyone looks like Naomi Campbell or Brad Pitt and there are only a few genetic anomalies in this world who apparently represent what we all should look like, we can all take steps and measures to improve the way we look and how we appear to others. It is the very first rule in dating!

The first person you need to impress is yourself. When you look good you feel good. Take advantage of what modern science has created in the field of beauty. From getting the basic proper shampoo and conditioner for you hair to hair regrowth products and surgery, from makeup to enhance your features to elective surgery for more dramatic effects. Your wardrobe should be a priority issue as well. If you are still showing up at the door to pick up your date in those same ripped jeans you have had since the 1980's, think about a complete wardrobe overhaul. Getting in shape is an absolute must. Not only does it show that you care about your body, it is essential for your health and it will help you to feel great physically and emotionally. The better you feel about yourself, the more confident you will appear. And confidence is a very sexy and appealing part of your overall appearance.

In her book Dr. Etcoff assumes that people, mostly men, are more attracted to beautiful people for short term relationships while beauty is less important when seeking a committed relationship. However, it is that attractive quality of sex appeal which will get you in the door. When you are just getting to know people for dating purposes such as with the use of online dating resources, your appearance is going to be one of the most compelling forces in attracting dates. Everyone wants someone to fall in love with them for the right reasons, but you can't change basic human instinct and the natural affinity for beauty. You don't have to be the most beautiful or most handsome person in the room, but you can take the time and effort to look the best you possibly can.

Beauty Foods That Will Keep You Young and Healthy

You’ve heard that old saying: True beauty comes from within. Well, now nutritional experts have confirmed that you really are what you eat.
Forget French fries and fatty hamburgers. If you want to look beautiful and feel young and healthy, you’ll eat a generous variety of super foods that have been proven to work wonders on the human body.

For a list of vitamin rich foods see:
Whether you’re on a low fat diet, low carb diet, or no diet, adding these super foods to your plate should become as second nature to you as putting your lipstick on in the morning.

Healthy Skin – Eat: blueberries, cranberries, raspberries, strawberries, cherries, currants, purple grapes, pumpkin, carrots, butternut squash, sweet potatoes

Healthy Eyes – Eat: broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, bok choy, kale, spinach, romaine lettuce, mustard greens, turnip greens

Strong Bones – Eat: yogurt, kefir, soy, tofu, Drink: skim milk

Reduce Stress – Eat: beans (navy, pinto, red, black, etc.), green beans, sugar snap peas, green peas, chick peas

Boost Immune System – Eat: turkey, skinless chicken breast, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, spinach, Drink: black or green tea

Sun Protection for Skin – tomatoes, watermelon, pink grapefruit

Beauty Secrets

How many times have you looked at yourself in the mirror and wished you could change a minor problem? To look even more beautiful. Here are five helpful & easy ways to achieve beauty secrets.

Skin lightener
Lighten elbow and knee areas by scrubbing lemon juice and sugar. The lemon has a bleaching effect and the sugar will exfoliate the dead cells.

Shiny Hair
Hair mix fresh orange juice, water, 1 tablespoon Honey and any type of vegetable oil.
For plumper lips, apply lipstick and lip-gloss.
Add a dot of eye shadow in the center of your lips and blend carefully. You might also want to check out City Lips Collagen Lip Plumping Treatment.

Dark circles
Tired looking people do not look attractive cover under eye circles with make up. Choose a color that matches your skin shade, avoid getting lighter shades. We recommend TheBalm TimeBalm - Under Eye Concealer

Fake Tan
Get a tan without exposing your skin to harmful sun rays.
DuWop Revolotion Tinted Body Moisturizer With SPF 15 and Shimme.

Beauty Today: All Smoke and Mirrors?

Did you ever notice that the bar is continually being raised on exactly what physical characteristics define beauty? As I sit in front of the TV, I am bombarded by beauties with pouty lips, perfect bone structure, flawless skin, more "voluptuous" upper regions, size 2 waists, and hair that resembles spun silk. Take these same beauties and plop them back in time 20-30 years, when the advent of modern cosmetic technology had not even begun to reach its full potential. Do you think they would have had those same attributes you find yourself longing for when faced with these images? My guess is probably not, or at least not to the same extent.

True, genetics play a role in physical beauty, but with the likes of total "extreme" makeover reality TV (The Swan, Extreme Makeover, Dr. Beverly Hills) and abundant publicity, we see that beauty and cosmetic improvement can now be achieved by a few thousand dollars and a good plastic surgeon. Not only that, but cosmetics in general are now so technologically advanced, you can improve your looks by personal makeup application and home treatments.

There are now do-it-yourself cosmetic treatments such as home microdermabrasion kits, chemical peels, "botox" creams and gels, teeth whiteners, hair removal treatments, cellulite treatments, professional hair straighteners and colors, self tanners, lip enlargers, acne treatments, and the list goes on and on ( ). Cosmetics marketers and science have joined forces to give women everything they ever wanted to be their most beautiful, and feel better about themselves. Women are benefitting by so many companies competing for a piece of these fairly new markets by lower, more competitive prices.

Not only are there new breakthroughs in the world of cosmetic science, but there are constantly new studies and discoveries in the field of nutrition, fitness, and wellness. Combine this with the new wave of technologically advanced cosmetics, supplements, and treatments, and you've got a recipe for a healthier, longer, more satisfying life for those of us who decide to take advantage of the advanced knowledge of our time.

So, does your desire to be your best and most beautiful self make you shallow, less credible, or somehow jeopardize your feminist agendas? Unless you've somehow compromised your integrity, morals, or core beliefs along the way, the answer is ABSOLUTELY NOT! As long as you are not putting yourself at high risk for physical harm, obsessing endlessly, or spending your life savings, investing time and money into your beauty ultimately is an investment in your well being, self esteem, and many times, mental and physical health. Feeling beautiful is part of what makes us women. Come on, it's just plain FUN to experiment with different looks and different products! It feels good to be noticed, and when you feel beautiful, you tend to radiate confidence and power. It is inherent in our nature to want to feel feminine and look and feel our best, and there is nothing wrong with it, as long as it is not all-consuming.

As a self-proclaimed "product junkie", I can attest that many of these newly engineered products really do work, as I have tried nearly all of them in the quest to look and feel my best. I can't wait to see what they'll come out with next, as every new product seems to top the last. Hey, women have come a long way, and we deserve to feel sexy and confident - beyond smoke and mirrors!

Best Beauty Buys

So many beauty products, which to buy? Each of us is different so our suggestions may not work for all but they are a good place to start. We’ve had 20 staff members test each product and then compiled their opinions to give you our 25 best beauty buys.

1. Sue Devitt Pencil Liner is nice and creamy with a velvety texture and is available in 10 shades

2. Mac Eye Shadow has a wide selection of colors. If the color is available from mother nature than Mac has it. Rich texture and blends easily

3. Revlon Eye Shadow is expensive and has a huge selection of shades. The colors are up todate and apply easily

4. Maybelline Great Lash Waterproof Mascara is dependable and affordable. Comes with a nice fine brush that grabs every eyelash and the formula is nice and rich and doesn’t flake

5. Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Filler has a great color selection and applies easily with a brush

6. Stila Convertible Color Blush creates natural looking rosy cheeks. Creamy formula blends well producing a very natural look.

7. Revlon Skinlights Bronzer is inexpensive. It’s rich and smooth texture is easy to apply and it is enriched with vitamins A, C, and E. Available in 6 shades and has a SPF15.

8. Tarte Cheek Stain is an oil free push up blush available in 5 natural tones.

9. Max Factor Erace Concealer is inexpensive with a sheer texture so it can be used around the eyes, but covers well enough to hide those more prominent imperfections.

10. Mac Pressed Powder is ultra translucent and you can be sure no shine will creep through.

11. Mac Lipstick is available in over 200 shades. They won’t bleed and have a good lasting power.

12. Mario Badescu Lip wax is soothing and not waxy. It is enriched with Vitamins C & E and has a SPF15.

13. Lancome Juicy Tubes Lip Gloss can be worn by itself or layered over your lipstick, resulting in luscious glistening lips

14. Cetaphil Facial Cleanser is highly recommended by dermatologists. No perfumes or irritants, powerful mild cleansing.

15. Kinara Lactic Acid facial Exfloiator is a light hydrating serum that easily absorbs into the skin. Non abrasive exfoliant that cleans deep

16. Olay Regnerist Anti Wrinkle Cream is enhanced with pentapeptides and amino acids that encourage production of collagen for firmer skin.

17. Lancome Heavy Duty Moisturizer is a nonsticky cream that contains glycerin, wild yam extract, sea algae, and soy restore moisture.

18. Dove Facial Cleanser is mild and easily rinses away makeup and oil leaving skin feeling fresh and clean

19. Aveeno Facial Moisturizer is an excellent emoillience but it is scented. Oil-free lotion enriched with skin softening soy extract

20. Murad Acne Kit consists of 4 steps – cleanser with triclosan and salicylic acid to fight bacteria, pore cleaning gel with glycolic and salicylic acids, exfoliating lotion with retinol, and spot treatment with sulphur

21. Kiehl’s Blue Herbal Pimple Healer Spot Treatement is a fast acting blemish fighting gel. Contains Salicylic acid, and glycolic acid as well as herbal incredients such as cinnamon bark and ginger root

22. Lancome Eye Makeup Remover will even remove waterproof mascara. Very gentle so perfect for sensitive skin

23. L’Oreal Home Microdermabrasion is a two part system. Smooth skin with aluminum oxide crystals and moisturize with vitamin E cream

24. Neutrogena T/Gel Dandruff Shampoo is soothing and calms the scalp eliminating flakes and relieving itchy scalp

25. Pantene Pro V Overall Conditioner is inexpensive and hairstylists say its great. Frizz fighting rich nourishing formula rich in vitamins is easily absorbed by the hair

These products are great choices to keep you looking great!

Best Beauty Buys For Summer

So many beauty products, which to buy? Each of us is different so our suggestions may not work for all but they are a good place to start. We've had 20 staff members test each product and then compiled their opinions to give you our 25 best beauty buys.

1. Sue Devitt Pencil Liner is nice and creamy with a velvety texture and is available in 10 shades.

2. Mac Eye Shadow has a wide selection of colors. If the color is available from mother nature than Mac has it. Rich texture and blends easily.

3. Revlon Eye Shadow is expensive and has a huge selection of shades. The colors are up todate and apply easily 

4. Maybelline Great Lash Waterproof Mascara is dependable and affordable. Comes with a nice fine brush that grabs every eyelash and the formula is nice and rich and doesn't flake 

5. Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Filler has a great color selection and applies easily with a brush 

6. Stila Convertible Color Blush creates natural looking rosy cheeks. Creamy formula blends well producing a very natural look. 

7. Revlon Skinlights Bronzer is inexpensive. It's rich and smooth texture is easy to apply and it is enriched with vitamins A, C, and E. Available in 6 shades and has a SPF15. 

8. Tarte Cheek Stain is an oil free push up blush available in 5 natural tones. 

9. Max Factor Erace Concealer is inexpensive with a sheer texture so it can be used around the eyes, but covers well enough to hide those more prominent imperfections. 

10. Mac Pressed Powder is ultra translucent and you can be sure no shine will creep through. 

11. Mac Lipstick is available in over 200 shades. They won't bleed and have a good lasting power. 

12. Mario Badescu Lip wax is soothing and not waxy. It is enriched with Vitamins C & E and has a SPF15.  

13. Lancome Juicy Tubes Lip Gloss can be worn by itself or layered over your lipstick, resulting in luscious glistening lips 

14. Cetaphil Facial Cleanser is highly recommended by dermatologists. No perfumes or irritants, powerful mild cleansing. 

15. Kinara Lactic Acid facial Exfloiator is a light hydrating serum that easily absorbs into the skin. Non abrasive exfoliant that cleans deep 

16. Olay Regnerist Anti Wrinkle Cream is enhanced with pentapeptides and amino acids that encourage production of collagen for firmer skin. 

17. Lancome Heavy Duty Moisturizer is a nonsticky cream that contains glycerin, wild yam extract, sea algae, and soy restore moisture. 

18. Dove Facial Cleanser is mild and easily rinses away makeup and oil leaving skin feeling fresh and clean 

19. Aveeno Facial Moisturizer is an excellent emoillience but it is scented. Oil-free lotion enriched with skin softening soy extract 

20. Murad Acne Kit consists of 4 steps - cleanser with triclosan and salicylic acid to fight bacteria, pore cleaning gel with glycolic and salicylic acids, exfoliating lotion with retinol, and spot treatment with sulphur  

21. Kiehl's Blue Herbal Pimple Healer Spot Treatement is a fast acting blemish fighting gel. Contains Salicylic acid, and glycolic acid as well as herbal incredients such as cinnamon bark and ginger root 

22. Lancome Eye Makeup Remover will even remove waterproof mascara. Very gentle so perfect for sensitive skin  

23. L'Oreal Home Microdermabrasion is a two part system. Smooth skin with aluminum oxide crystals and moisturize with vitamin E cream  

24. Neutrogena T/Gel Dandruff Shampoo is soothing and calms the scalp eliminating flakes and relieving itchy scalp 

25. Pantene Pro V Overall Conditioner is inexpensive and hairstylists say its great. Frizz fighting rich nourishing formula rich in vitamins is easily absorbed by the hair

Body Jewelry: An Unusual Way Of Enhancing The Beauty Of Your

Since ancient times body jewelry has been a part of the culture and heritage of different religions. It has been known to be an essential part of the clothing and appearance of the people in many regions of the world. At different parts of time through the centuries it was also used to signify the class demarcations prevalent in society at that point of time.

How ever in recent times it has acquired a new dimension. Body jewelry has never been in such high demand. The human body is not merely a body, it is a piece of art which has its own innate beauty and body jewelry is the perfect way to enhance the beauty of your body. Not only can you decorate your body with it, but you can also use it to bring into focus certain parts of your body or to enhance the beauty of certain parts.

Body jewelry items are usually for particular places on the human body. These more common places for body jewelry include the nose, eyebrow, nipple, ear lobes and naval, along with ear plugs (both curved and straight barbells). As fashion trends keep changing, the various parts where you can use body jewelry and the manner in which you can use it also keeps changing.

Nose body jewelry comes either in the classic captive circular barbell, or in the form of a nose screw. The nose screw can either be jeweled or plain, depending upon your preference. Eyebrow body jewelry is similar to that of the nose, in the sense that the eyebrow body jewelry also has the small captive barbell. This is now being made with a dangling, sparkling charm to hang from the upper most part of your eyebrow barbell. The eyebrow body jewelry can be either curved or straight with a charm of any style or color dangling from the top.

Nipple and naval body jewelry is one of the more popular types of body jewelry, it sis especially popular amongst the youth or the more adventurous in spirit. Nipple body jewelry includes the nipple barbells and the nipple shields. Naval body jewelry designs are also endless.

Whatever kind of body jewelry you use or wear it is important to keep some pointers in mind. Such as what kind of material is that specific body jewelry made off, is your skin allergic to it and is the piercing for the body jewelry done in a sterile and antiseptic environment.

This kind of jewelry is available for almost every conceivable part of your body. There are endless styles, designs, colors and textures in which body jewelry is made. What ever your budget, whether it is low end or high end; body jewelry is available in every range to suit your pocket as well as your tastes.

Body jewelry is not merely a decorative fixture; it is also a personal style statement. You can use it to bring attention or to take away attention from a specific part of your body. It is quite in vogue these days and has been in existence since time immemorial. If you have the attitude and the panache you can carry of any kind of body jewelry.

Cosmetics – the practical way to BEAUTY!

Want that healthy, tanned look without that elusive Spanish holiday? Use cosmetics! For cosmetics is the easiest way to enhance your image. Image is what the cosmetic industry sells through its products. And although it's up to you to believe it or not, I’m sure you won’t complain. Definitely not when you can get "that look" without being much the poorer for it.
There are cosmetics for almost every need.

There are cosmetics for almost every need. Foundations, lipsticks, hair dyes, hair straighteners, hair sprays, skin conditioners, contact lenses, sunscreens, tanning products, glosses, shadows and what have you….. The list is seemingly endless. Branded cosmetics abound! Choose between MAC cosmetics or Mary Kay cosmetics if you will. And if you can’t afford it – well, there’s always discount cosmetics which give you famous brands at a fraction of their price! So despair not! Get rid of that patch of graying hair, mask that niggling pimple, and banish the ugliness of your nose albeit temporarily with some prudently used cosmetics. Do take care, of course, to check out the contents. Certain cosmetic additives are harmful for the skin. Don’t use so called "cosmeceuticals" unless their content, medicinal benefits and safety is verified. Having done that, go right ahead and indulge. And, if a lipstick is all that’s between you and that Marilyn Monroe look, go, get it!

Dead Sea Beauty Products

Without a doubt, one of the liveliest business and investment ventures rocking the health and beauty industries today is the ancient, venerable Dead Sea.

From mineral-rich black mud body masques to health treatments in thermo-mineral springs and the Dead Sea brine, the region's abundant cosmetological and therapeutic natural resources are truly legendary.

Cleopatra knew well the value of the naturally beautifying and restorative products that came from the Dead Sea region. She so coveted the bounty of the mineral-laden bath salts, the skin-revitalizing mud baths and the intoxicating balsamic perfumes extracted from the oases that her lover, Marc Anthony, led his troops into a fierce and bloody war to secure the region for his beautiful Queen.

And Cleopatra herself built the very first Dead Sea cosmetic facilities. Visitors to Ein Bokek and the Biblical, historic Ein Gedi can still see the bones of those factories today.

What makes Dead Sea products so clinically beneficial is their source -- a unique mix of solar radiation, an oxygen-rich atmosphere and geological features unlike any other on earth.

Flanked by mountains to its east and west, the heavily saline Dead Sea is cradled in a deep, sealed basin with hot, arid air above its surface. More than 400 meters below sea level, the Sea takes in water and mineralized run-off from mountain streams and alluvial springs, but loses the water rapidly to evaporation.

The resultant residue of leeched minerals and thick salts has long been used the world over to relieve the effects of muscle pains, psoriasis and other human ills.

The mineral cocktail produced in the Dead Sea waters and absorbed into the human body is believed to help skin to literally regenerate.

Today, the Dead Sea's reputation as a healer, revitalizer, replenisher and therapy treatment is thriving. Visitors travel to the Holy Land the year-round to bask on the sunny beaches and luxuriate or heal at one of the many top-quality day spas and treatment centers.

Today's Dead Sea products aficionados are finding that Cleopatra was right on the target about the value and effectiveness of the region's bounty!

Based on years of scientific testing, manufacturers report their products will smooth wrinkles, revitalize the skin's appearance, relieve muscle tension and cure acne.

There are also products to stimulate, cleanse and tighten skin, shrink large pores, rejuvenate hair luster, moisturize dry skin and give a healthy glow to whatever body part is enjoying treatment.

Among the many different types of Dead Sea beauty and pharmaceutical products marketed today are:

  • Therapeutic Black Mud masks, soaps, hair restorer, body cleansers, pain relievers, dry-skin treatments and scalp treatments. Many firms also market the mineral-rich mud as a topical application to relieve soreness caused by inflamed muscles.
  • Dead Sea mineral-based shampoos, conditioners and anti-dandruff treatments
  • Dead Sea bath gels, shower gels, foot spas, foot creams, sun screens, skin toners, and astringents for oily skin
  • Dead Sea chloride salts rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, iodine and bromide
  • Balsam-based cosmetics, perfumes and medicines.
More than 50 different Dead Sea health and beauty products manufacturers have production facilities operating in the region today.

Divine Food for Divine Beauty

Excerpted from the book “Your Right to Be Beautiful: How to Halt the Train of Aging and Meet the Most Beautiful You” by Tonya Zavasta. The book is available at:
The phrase "natural beauty" has been abused and misused beyond restoration. The modern use is almost never associated with its true meaning. Someone said there should be a portrait of a healthy person in a museum so people would know what they are talking about. If we don’t know what a healthy person looks like, how do we know what natural beauty is?
In our unnatural world, the word "natural" no longer means without effort, at least not in the realm of obtaining your best look. One thing is a must in defining natural beauty: its achievement must not involve any sacrifice of health. None, period. If health is compromised in any way beauty is not natural.

Our body was created in the image of God, the Supreme Beauty. When our actions are in opposition to nature, the results are different types of bodily ills, deformities, and ugliness. Since there can be no natural beauty without eating 100 percent natural food, most of you have never seen the natural you.
There is an urgent need for another word. The contemporary meaning of natural is too far from the divine. I suggest filling this void with "rawsome", a new word circulating in the raw food community. It is a combination of two words:" raw" and "awesome" with the meaning being something between natural and divine. The diet of raw fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds also needs to be renamed. I have often been told that the phrase “the raw food diet”, sounds like eating raw meat, particularly sushi, which is misleading. The raw food diet is so awesome that it should be called the very name it inspired- the Rawsome Diet.

Most of us feel our appearance lacks something. In reality, ugliness is more about excess. Toxic accumulations in our bodies are responsible for stealing our health and attractiveness. Beauty lies latent under cushions of retained fluids, deposits of fat, and sick tissues. Your beauty is buried alive, but in most cases it can be revived in a version that will be satisfactory to you. You must take immediate action to revitalize it. When you do, your uncovered beauty will surprise and delight you.
Eating cooked food will leave residues the body cannot utilize, and they will be deposited in places our Creator never intended. Everything not fully digested and properly eliminated, the body will treat as an abnormal substance. It will pocket these toxins as far away from the vital organs as possible--on the peripheries of the body--where it will invariably be reflected in our outward appearance. If the body cannot use it inside, it will deposit it on the outside. Nutrients from the food you eat spiral upward to the epidermis, and their quality will determine whether you will have a glowing clear complexion or skin spotted with growths, such as moles and skin sores.

Some physical characteristics of our face and body we cannot change--they were determined prior to our birth. But the consumption of the raw plant diet as an adult will make a difference in the texture of skin and hair, the health of nails, weight and complexion. All of these traits and more are determined by daily choices, with food being one of the most important and, luckily, the one we can fully control.

The Rawsome diet is the most suitable one for human physiology. It is salubrious to the body’s health and salutary to its beauty. The ability to renew cells is built into your body, and the body itself is capable of making you look more attractive. After all, we were designed to bloom continuously as old cells get replaced by new ones. The Rawsome diet makes the most of this rejuvenating ability of our bodies.

Rawsome beauty is not manufactured from the outside but cultivated from the inside by nutritionally charged food. Whole raw food restores the integrity of every cell and facilitates the optimal operation of every organ inside and out. The body, having been awakened by the improved diet, in its wisdom, will reach out to the places where health was lacking, and you will gradually see your beauty surfacing. The Rawsome diet will eliminate all the toxins on a deeper level and bring amazing changes to your appearance.
Only the body sustained on raw food will host natural beauty, or should we say Rawsome beauty. The landscape of the body will change. The surface of the skin will become soft and smooth but still firm and supple. Visible pores will diminish. A sallow skin with a yellow pallor will turn into a porcelain-like complexion. The whites of eyes, once red, will become bright with a bluish tinge. As natural collagen production improves, it will fill in the places where it is needed as in hollow cheeks. Raw food eating will clarify and refine your features and bring delicacy to your face.
On the Rawsome Diet, you will marvel at how the Master Artist will make the most of your individual features and bring balance to the entire face. Texture, hues, and shape will be harmoniously arranged into a genteel whole. Perfection and imperfection will be tied together into a unique original version of beauty.

Each time I see a woman, I study her appearance, and I see not just the way she looks but the way she could look. What I see is how far her image falls short of her potential beauty. I perceive her beauty as it would stand out after the body has cleansed itself from toxins and excesses.
From age 15 until recently, I wore my hair permed, only to discover at 45 that straight hair in my natural color was the best possible frame for my face. Did my preference change? Not at all. My face did. So let me give you a hint, if you need a camouflaging hairdo, you are not looking your best. The changes in your face brought about by raw foods will bring the freedom to arrange your hair in any way you want. When your peer group is thinking: “I am losing my looks”, you will be finding yours. At 45, I enjoy looking in the mirror while before I detested my reflection.

As the cleansing initiated by this diet is completed, you will be very pleased to see how you were meant to look. Your body will exhibit beauty and dignity. You will become satisfied, even fascinated, with your appearance. When you look your very best, you look perfect, in a sense that you are as close to the divine image for yourself as you could ever be. You accept yourself completely. Natural beauty is above conformity; it doesn’t demand to be accepted by the dictates of the beauty norm.
People who have been on the raw food lifestyle for several years begin to have a glow, the kind not often seen in middle-aged people. Optimal health is recognized by an emerging radiance. Glow is hard to fake because it is internal. It comes from an abundance of clear, pink, almost transparent cells that light up the face. Only superior blood circulation can bring this transfiguring glow. Several years on the raw food diet will make you look as though you just stepped out of a painting by Renoir--the impressionist best known for his preoccupation with light.

I have come to believe if you do not embrace the 100 percent raw food diet, you will never meet The Most Beautiful You. The best proof that the Rawsome diet is optimal for the body is it makes you beautiful. Slim face, slender waist, and clear skin with smooth coloration-these subtle changes will convince you the raw plant diet is the best for good health and graceful beauty. No woman knows her true beauty until she cleanses her body completely of all waste.
You can say there are people who are beautiful, and they are not on this diet. That is true. It is hard to believe, but even they haven't seen the best of themselves. Dissatisfaction with one’s appearance arises not from perceiving our bodies inaccurately but because subconsciously we are aware we haven’t achieved our optimal look. The Rawsome diet gives a feeling of authenticity, an assurance we have become what we were meant to be.

Raw food not only corrects beauty’s shortcomings but also lifts the limitations of one’s spirit and releases strains and tensions in both your mind and body. People on the raw food diet have an aura about them, a transcendent nobility and complacent dignity. Sickness is goodness lost, and our unhappiness is a longing for goodness. One takes in the goodness in the form of fresh fruits and vegetables and feels its purifying process on the inside. Goodness in one’s food summons up goodness in one’s appearance and character.

Do you think it is hard to follow this life style? Women have done so many outrageous and dangerous things to themselves in the pursuit of beauty, I believe they should at least try the Rawsome lifestyle, which promises to transform them into beautiful people. What a woman won’t do for health, she will do for beauty. This is the first time beauty asks no sacrifice from health.

Effective Make-up and Beauty Tips and Products: Do's and Dont

With the amount of importance given to make-up these days, many women just tend to do a bit too much. Getting the right make-up for the particular occasion is the call of the entire womanhood. But beauty shouldn't be misinterpreted as just by carrying a beautiful face. A overall healthy body reflects eternal beauty which one should be longing for. The idea is to look younger and FEEL YOUNGER.

Here are some precious makeup Do's and Dont's which one should know very well before applying make-up.

* Find the formula that meets your skin's needs and your lifestyle. Though, it isn't that hard also to get it right. Generally, we apply make-up in a hurry and we tend to ignore this vital part.

* Women generally don't wash their brushes as they are always busy applying their makeup.(Hey, Nothing against women :-), relax!). Brushes should be washed properly and allowed to be dried naturally.

* Special care should be taken, while applying and even after applying lipstick. Don't stain your teeth with lipstick. It really looks gross!

* Never use your mascara more than twice. It will definitely look clogged.

* Last but not the least, don't forget to take off all the make-up from your face once you go to bed specially from and near your eyes.

Effective Make-up and Beauty Tips: Do's and Dont's

With the amount of importance given to make-up these days, many women just tend to do a bit too much. Getting the right make-up for the particular occasion is the call of the entire womanhood. But beauty shouldn't be misinterpreted as just by carrying a beautiful face. A overall healthy body reflects eternal beauty which one should be longing for. The idea is to look younger and FEEL YOUNGER.

Here are some precious makeup Do's and Dont's which one should know very well before applying make-up

* Always apply make-up where there is adequate light on your face. Improper light can lead to horrible look. Yellow light compliments your skin the most.

* Don't go for a colour eye-shadow as a base. Also, apply eyeliner close to the base of eyelashes so as to make them look thicker.

* Always test the colour of foundation or concealer on the inside of your wrist. That's the place which will give you a good idea of how it is going to look on your face.

* Do apply concealer before applying eye-liner on dark circles under your eyes. Generally, women directly apply eye-liner which instead make their eyes look too dark. Read more eye care tips at

* First apply moisturizer and after about 20 minutes, start putting on your make-up.

* Find the formula that meets your skin's needs and your lifestyle. Though, it isn't that hard also to get it right. Generally, we apply make-up in a hurry and we tend to ignore this vital part.

* Women generally don't wash their brushes as they are always busy applying their makeup.(Hey, Nothing against women :-), relax!). Brushes should be washed properly and allowed to be dried naturally.

* Special care should be taken, while applying and even after applying lipstick. Don't stain your teeth with lipstick. It really looks gross!

* Never use your mascara more than twice. It will definitely look clogged.

* Last but not the least, don't forget to take off all the make-up from your face once you go to bed specially from and near your eyes.

Essentials of Facial Beauty

Beauty regimens are normal for ladies for it is one way of maintaining their vivacity and prettiness. Women tend to apply several creams, lotions and use different soaps and beauty care liquids in order to attain their desired complexion or maintain their very own smooth and silky skin.

At this moment, not only women are meticulous and particular in their skin tone and looks but also men who are conscious of their appearance and how they will carry themselves and interact with other people.

Nowadays, a face pack does not only cleanse your skin and pores but it also helps in maintaining the tautness and balance of your skin. There are different face packs according to your skin type, so choose the one that suits you.

Dry Skin Pack
The dry skin is usually flaky and dull looking around the eyes and cheeks. That is why it needs to be motorized well. Wash your face with milk and oatmeal instead of ordinary soap since the milk moisturizes and nourishes the skin while the oatmeal acts as an exfoliate agent.

To have extra moisturizer, make a pack with a mixture of ten almonds, two spoons oatmeal, four tablespoons of full cream milk, two spoons china clay, juice of half a lemon and one mashed avocado. Apply it gently on your face then leave for twenty minutes. Dampen cotton wool with cold milk and wipe it off. Finally, splash your face with cold water and apply light moisturizer.

Oily Skin Pack
The oily skin has active sebaceous glands that secrete more oil leaving the skin greasy and dull thus it attracts a lot of dirt which then clogs the pores. It definitely needs a thorough cleansing routine to remove the surface grime and unclogged the pores.

You need a pack that rejuvenates, tightens and exfoliates skin. You can mash six strawberries with a teaspoon of Brandy, two spoons of breadcrumbs, two spoons of fuller’s earth and a few drops of rose water. Mix those well then apply a thick layer on the face and neck and leave it for twenty minutes.

Strawberries have Vitamin C and certain acidic properties they leave the skin sparkling clean. The breadcrumbs help to exfoliate dead skin while fuller’s earth will tighten the pores and brandy would help to add some glow.

Combination Pack
With this type of skin, usually the nose and forehead are oily then the eyes and cheeks are dry. Cleanse the center zone with an astringent while dab the rest of the face with cold milk then apply a pack made of half a cup of powered, dry peas mixed with three spoons of curd, juice of one lemon and half a cup of papaya pulp. Apply it then leave again for twenty minutes, after rinse off with cold water. Better still to rub an ice cube dipped in rose water over the T-Zone.

Always see to it that your face is clean, free from harsh chemicals and radiantly white and flawless. Avoid exposure in different pollutants and always be protected against ultraviolet rays. Take a lot of care and be extra beautiful inside-out!